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One at the Villa
ONE is the gathering every two months of the 8 Living Hope congregations on the Isle of Man.
We’ll have our full children’s programme as usual and of course it will greatly help if you arrive early for a prompt start. There is always a time to pray and prophesy at 10am outside on the terrace, weather permitting, or alternatively in the Colonnade Suite and you are invited!
16th February, 10.30am ONE @ The Villa Marina
If you need transport please email

School of the Supernatural
We are designed to experience God in supernatural ways, so the supernatural should come quite naturally to believers. During this time, saints will be equipped to minister to the ill and release people from demonic oppression, while the gifts of tongues, prophecy, faith and more will be activated. Teachers, evangelists and other power gifts will share encouraging testimonies and practical tools to help activate these beneficial gifts for the Body.
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